
When Was The Last Time You Had Fun

When was the last time you had fun????

I want to talk about a theme I see emerging with people I see in my practice. 

Lack of fun…..

I ask you to ask yourself this question:  when was the last time you had fun? 

Mostly what I am observing is this:  people overwhelmed in their life with a lot of responsibility and not nearly enough fun.  Especially kinetic fun….you know….like when you were a kid…..dancing, chasing after a ball, all out running after someone, playing hide and seek, running around bases playing baseball, skating quickly over a sheet of ice.  Moving around.  Moving your body. 

I want to send a challenge out to everyone to start paying attention to this question.  If you are not having some all out fun everyday, then get to it!! 

Seriously…..have a dance party in your kitchen….even if it’s with yourself….dance with your partner….dance with your kids….let loose a little bit…..or a lot....

Bring fun and laughter into your daily consciousness.  This is good for all of us.

Don’t take life too seriously…..

Laugh.  Be curious.  Have an open heart.





