
Healthy Habits, Change of Routine and Imagination

Healthy Habits

Change of Routine




Cultivating healthy habits, creating change in your daily routine and using your imagination will foster a sense of aliveness, joy, fun, and playfulness.  This, in turn, will help the body to feel loose, alive, energetic, and free from heaviness.


To get you started, here are some ideas.  Spring is here and summer, not far behind.  Keeping this in mind:


When you wake up in the morning, salute the day with a sun salutation and take care of your body by doing some stretching

Instead of reading the newspaper or listening to the radio, open a book of poetry and read some inspiring thoughts

Write a poem

Drink lots of water throughout the day to stay hydrated

Walk around your block or a few blocks to stretch your legs and take in the sounds of the birds

When going to work, take a different travel route and perhaps stop at a new café to pick up a delicious morning coffee or tea

In the evening, before the sun sets, instead of turning on the TV, get a blanket, lay it on the grass in your backyard or nearby park and watch the clouds roll by  (also good for daytime and weekends!)

Go to the dollar store and purchase some blank canvasses, paints and brushes – and paint

Make a conscious decision to turn off all electronic devices after a certain time and really be present with yourself or those you are in relationship with

Do something nice for a neighbor

Have fresh flowers in your house (even a single flower can help to create beauty)

Try out a different style of clothing or hairstyle

Try new food

Declutter your home and work spaces (do you really need everything stuffed in drawers and closets) – donate to a charitable organizations

Plant a garden – even if its small – no room, plant one container of herbs for fresh salads

Take 10 minutes a day to do a relaxation meditation (see:

Do not eat processed and packaged foods –eat lots of veggies, fruits and nuts

Occasionally eat your food with your non-dominant hand or brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand – this is good for your brain

Cycle – good for the body; good for the mind; good for the environment

Do a ten-minute mindful walk every day, outside – leave behind all of the thoughts of the day and be present to listen for sounds and sights – walk slowly

When you are tempted by unhealthy habits, try “urge-surfing” – resist the urge and do something different (just sit and pay attention to what the urge feels like in your body and breath til it passes) or choose a healthy habit (see above)

Learn a new language

Set an intention every day to mindfully change one behavior that is destructive to yourself or others

Put on some good tunes and have a dance party – with yourself or whoever is in your home

Create a workspace that is desirable to be in during the day (our physical environment is integral to our mental health)

Before coming home at the end of the day, take a few minutes to transition your headspace – have a positive and pleasant disposition when re-entering into your home with your family; if you live alone, take time to let go of the day and give thought as to how you want to take care of yourself when you get home

Make a commitment to say or do something thoughtful every day for someone you care about

Do not take relationships for granted – they require nurturing, care, love, and imagination

Have a picnic outside, on your blanket, in your yard instead of eating inside

When the sun sets on a clear day, go outside, look up and star gaze

*    Consciously breathe during the day – an deep inhale oxygenates the muscles and a long exhale regulates the nervous system

Make sure to have colors in your home that inspire you or help you to feel calm


Add to this list and enjoy the new seasons.


