Please inquire with our administrative assistant or each therapist as to the therapist fees.
Payment can be made by: Cash, Debit, Credit Card or E-transfer and is to be paid at time of appointment. Cancellation must be made by telephone or email, 48hr hours prior to scheduled appointment time. We appreciate clients giving this notice as we will be able to offer your appointment time to another client. If you provide less than 48 hours notice of cancellation, and we fill your appointment time, you will not be charged for your appointment. If notice of cancellation is not given and there is a no show, we will process payment for the missed session.
Should you have any questions, please speak with your therapist.
if you are planning on submitting your receipts for insurance, you will need to check your plan to confirm that your therapist’s designation meets the requirements identified in your plan. This is the client’s responsibility to ensure that you have coverage through your plan.